About JCR

About JCR

J.C. Rogers


Mr. Rogers, is an Aerospace Systems Engineer, and a master of many disciplines.

As such, he wants to offer you a completely new outlook on Life

He is an autodidact Philosopher with degrees in Systems Engineering (member Tau Beta Pi), Industrial Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering and Project Management. FCC Licensed in Electronics he has certifications in Statistics, Advanced Facilitation, Professional Sales and Supervision and has studied Journalism, History, Logic and Analysis, Psychology, Ethics and much more.

His career reads like a 'who's who' of hi-tech corporations in the heyday of Silicon Valley. First Hewlett-Packard, then TRW Microwave, and Memorex Corp., he joined Ford (Loral) Aerospace building SCS, Intelsat and GOES Satellites. He worked at Logitech Corp. as project manager for their 3D Mouse, at Applied Materials PVD as Design Engineer, and at Stanford Telecom as a Quality Engineer. Returning to Applied Materials he was given responsibility for releasing the 300mm wafer Etch product line. He established and ran his own Engineering Services Company (Rogerservice) and obtained his degree at San Jose University in 2000.

Along the way he was also a professional truck driver (Construction), Avionics technician (Boeings, United Airlines), Manufacturer's Representative (Automotive Test Equip.), Computer tech., librarian, teacher, butcher and more.

A public speaker and an AMA champion with a 2019 National Speed Record he has traveled all over the U.S., Canada, Mexico and the Far East and is intimately familiar with how people live in third world countries.

His previous works The Spaceship Handbook and The Saucer Fleet made him a nationally recognized Sci-Fi historian and spaceship archeologist. He has also created award winning Sci-Fi art (Ad Astra Per Aspera) and written a much acclaimed, travel adventure Mabel.

His latest book, The Power of the Overview, Answers to Ultimate Questions reveals the fundamental long hidden truths about life and society that may change the way we live. It is partially based on his studies and having lived through all the world changing political events clear back to November, 1963 when JFK was assassinated.

Having lived all this history you might just want to grab onto the information he has to offer. It's not 'just opinion.' It's not theories that feel good. Engineers have to produce ideas and hardware that work. Engineers like pilots know physical reality is intolerant of errors and ignorance; it doesn't give a damn about our opinions.

He states, “What is real, moral and works is what counts as truth. I'm an Aerospace Systems Engineer offering you a new Overview. That's who I am.”